What is Qi Gong?

Qigong (pronouced chee-gung) translates as 'breath exercise' or moving meditation designed to strengthen and improve your general health and wellbeing. 
Qi is the Chinese word for “life energy”, and is the life-force energy that flows through all living things and  connects us to nature, to all beings and life on earth. Gong is the Chinese word for work, thus Qigong is the practice of cultivating energy.

Reasons to come along to
 Tai Chi Qigong Classes

Boost your well-being
Ease your body with gentle movement
Increase flexibility
Improve balance
Improve concentration
Quieten your mind
Relax and de-stress
Boost your mood
Improve your sleep
Enjoy yourself
Learn something new 

Come along (first session FREE), then, if you enjoy Qi Gong, only £5.00 per session.

Qigong and Tai Chi near Warwickshire
Jim Pollard Session Leader Tia Chi and Qigong

Jim - Session Leader at Mercia QiGong.co.uk

Sheepy Magna & Dordon

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Wed - Sat
Appointment Only

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